

Inge Broms, Assendrupvej 5, Tybjergville, 4160 Herlufmagle

01.01.-31.12. Open

Farm Holiday in a seperate cottage with your own housekeeping.

You can participate in maintaining of the animals and get a ride on horseback.

When your stay is more than 2 nights, we make a campfire,  we light up a campfire and bake turned bread and toasted sausages.

From  850 DKK per night 

Rosengaarden offers:
House: 850 DKK

Contakt bedandbreakfastguide Danmark:
Publisher: Lone Frost Reklamebureau Aps
Åløkkegården - Åløkkevej 60
5800 Nyborg
CVR 18624842
Bank: Fynske Bank, Nyborg