
Kathrinelyst Bed and Breakfast

Henriette Dyre, Østre Hougvej 150, 5500 Middelfart

01.01.-31.12. Open

Peaceful atmosphere centrally located in the delightful Fynen landscape surrounded by fields, strait and belt. Near both of the Little Belt´s bridges. Private beach.

Here you will find good accommodation options. It is obvious to stay here if you are going to a party in one of the nearby community centers/restaurants, hike along the Lillebæltsstien, play golf, sea kayak or visit friends and family who do not have room for the night.

Rooms and apartment can accommodate a total of 14 people.
If you need overnight accommodation in connection with your work or simply need to get away from everyday life, contact us. We are only approx. 5 km. from motorway exits 58A and 58B.

From  600 DKK per night 

Kathrinelyst Bed and Breakfast offers:
Single room: From  600 DKK
Double room: From  950 DKK
Apartment: From  750 DKK

Contakt bedandbreakfastguide Danmark:
Publisher: Lone Frost Reklamebureau Aps
Åløkkegården - Åløkkevej 60
5800 Nyborg
CVR 18624842
Bank: Fynske Bank, Nyborg