
B og B Dyssegaard, Dønnerupvej 10, Tornved, 4450 Jyderup



Dyssegaarden is located in scenic surroundings, with forrests and open fields.

We have a newly planted estimate scents-sensory garden. Dyssegaarden is a peaceful place.

Single: 425 DKK
Double room: 525 DKK

Breakfast is served for 75 DKK per adult and 50 DKK per child up to 14 years.
Extra beds for children up to 14 years plus 100 DKK.

From  425 DKK per night 

Dyssegaarden offers:
Single room: 425 DKK
Double room: 525 DKK

Contakt bedandbreakfastguide Danmark:
Publisher: Lone Frost Reklamebureau Aps
Åløkkegården - Åløkkevej 60
5800 Nyborg
CVR 18624842
Bank: Fynske Bank, Nyborg