Do you love the fight with the elegant sea trout? Then you should look past Funen, where this beautiful trophy fish thrives. Here there are always good fishing spots within a short distance - no matter where the wind comes from. Funen is one of the world’s best sea trout destinations. The Funen municipalities have invested a lot of time and money in restoring streams, so that the sea trout has a better opportunity to breed. In addition to that there are volunteers, who spend thousands of hours making sure the sea trout has the best conditions. Also, there are many cosy local communities with good accommodation and small shops. With a coastline of 1200 km, you never stand shoulder to shoulder with other anglers. It is possible to catch fish, no matter what time of year you visit Funen and the islands.
There are true anglers who say they come back time after time - anglers from Belgium, Holland and Germany who have come here 25-30 years in a row. They simply spend all their holidays going to Funen to fish. In addition, many guests come from Sweden and Norway. Their local seasons start a little later than in Denmark, so there are a few months where they go to Funen to get their fish results and get rid of the worst abstinences.
There are good opportunities for outreach fishing, where you must look a little more for the fish than you do with flatfish and cod. When fishing for sea trout, you keep throwing your spinner, lure, or fly. The sea trout is a fighter - and then it is beautiful. It is not an exaggeration to call it the gem of Danish coast angling. Many guests come to Funen every year solely to try to catch this trophy fish. It fights well - and you can feel that you have something on the hook. It has elegance and is quite unique in its way of fighting.
There are good fishing spots everywhere on Funen and the Islands - so try to start by orienting yourself on Havørred Fyn’s website Here you can read a little about the different areas and find recommendations on wind direction, protected areas, and the seasons. There is also a book called “117 fine Funen fishing spots”, which gives you detailed descriptions of the fishing spots and the conditions there. It goes by the name Sea Trout Bible - and it is torn away in the bookstores.
You need not drive much more than an hour, then you have found the perfect fishing spot. No matter what the weather conditions are, you can always find a good spot. That is the best thing about sea trout fishing - that Funen is an island. There are many beautiful fishing spots on Funen.
The Great Belt is rich in fish, and there are many opportunities to make a good catch. Together with Sea Trout Funen, we present perhaps by far the best fishing water for sea trout of Northern Europe. The coasts of Funen and the islands simply offer unique fishing for sea trout. Here you will find what you need for your fishing trip - from overviews of fishing spots to guides you can book to complete your fishing trip.
Sea trout fishing spots on the Great Belt coast stretch from Svendborg in the south and further north past Nyborg, and they throw away many good fish. These fish come from the numerous fine and small trout streams that empties in the Belt. After extensive stream restorations, these streams today house such robust trout stocks that no fish are released. So, on the Great Belt coast, you mostly catch wild fish. One of the fishing spots near Nyborg is Knudshoved - Fyrvej and Slipshavnsvej, which is known for its night fishing in the summer. On the Hindsholm Peninsula there are many fishing spots and the opportunity to change places in relation to the wind direction, which is a big advantage when fishing with a fly.
The best thing about angling in the South Funen Archipelago is the variety. The many reefs, the open stony shores, the gutters in the seabed, where the sea trout pull in and out with the current of the tide. But the top of fishing in the Archipelago is the islands.
Here you can often go by yourself for days and at best only meet one of the locals, who likes to tell about the places and where the fish can be caught. Regardless of wind direction and wind strength, you can find a coast within walking distance where it is possible to fish. And there are plenty of islands. Drejø, Skarø, Avernakø, Bjørnø, Birkholm just to name a few of the smaller ones that can be reached by ferry, and which are perfect for a day trip. If you are going to larger islands, Langeland, Ærø and Tåsinge can be recommended. Tåsinge is also magical because it is unique, cos, and you get the best of the outskirts of Denmark. It is especially nice down by Valdemar’s Castle. There is a secret place called Ormerenden, which has fine fishing in the spring and autumn.
Along the Little Belt and the adjacent fjords, coves, and bays you will find a very varied coastal fishing. The Little Belt meanders and alternates between deep flowing water and shallow nutrient-rich shores. This makes the Little Belt an interesting fishing destination for anglers, where you have the opportunity to fish all year round. Here you can always find a fishing spot sheltered from the wind. The Little Belt has a large variety of fish species such as flatfish, horn fish, mackerel, cod, and sea trout. If you are interested in trolling, coastal fishing or deep-sea fishing from a boat, the Little Belt offers the options.
Gps: 55.31396113415593, 10.38413368661476
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